Next Stage Roadmaps, LLC
Next Stage Roadmaps, LLC
Helping Adults Transition Into Retirement and Their Next Stage of Life
Our Coaching clients and Course attendees say some of our benefits include::
Your Customized Roadmap
Building your go-forward, Customize Retirement Roadmap, including your definition of success and happiness in your next stage, the retirement areas you feel you need to improve upon with key action plans.
Help With Key Retirement Areas: Help with many of the key retirement areas such as values, drivers, leaving work behind, identity, purpose, meaning, activities, relationships, and structuring your time.
Retirement Self-Assessment: A self-assessment over 15 retirement success factors showing the areas you may want to improve upon and the areas you are strong in. This is helpful to see a holistic picture of things you may need to do for a successful transition into your Retirement and Your Next Stage of Life.
- Tools and frameworks: Tools and frameworks to use now and to fall back on in later times of your retirement if needed.
- Overcoming Your Fears: Helping overcome your anxiety, doubts, fears, and complexities as you move into your next stage.
- Understanding the Critical Longevity Gift: How you may likely live another 15-25 years and therefore how to achieve the most enjoyable and valuable activities, and ensure you don't outlive our money during these extra next 15-25 years of life.
- 1-Stop Shop: Becoming a great, 1-stop shop of key, cutting edge information, especially as you age. There is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming.
- Like a Support Group: A community of like-minded people learning, sharing, supporting, and discussing together.
- Not Just a Web Site: It’s a personal course with involvement with other people vs an impersonal website or webinar
- Simplifies Complicated Subjects: Help with the many complicated subjects to compare and sort through
- Mastering Control: Learning what you can control and what you cannot